Holiday Giving Ideas

Holiday Giving Ideas

Because 2020 needs some all the bright spots it can get! Regularly giving to charities is a part of my year, even if I can only chip in a small way, but Giving Tuesday isn’t a bad reminder to be intentional and are supporting causes that are important to you!...
A Very Thorney Halloween

A Very Thorney Halloween

This isn’t going to be horrifying. No seriously, I’m just not that into horror. The real world is enough right now. But I *am* into all that is fantastical, creative, offbeat, funny, and colorful. šŸŽƒ Today on the blog, we’re talking a very Thorney...
My kingdom for a stationery store

My kingdom for a stationery store

This time of year, I have to admit, is both my favorite and least favorite. I hate the heat of summer, and where I live, this is the peak of it. Heat and humidity and blahhh. BUT! Itā€™s also back-to-school time. And yes, that was something I put in the ā€œfavoritesā€...

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