This time of year, I have to admit, is both my favorite and least favorite. I hate the heat of summer, and where I live, this is the peak of it. Heat and humidity and blahhh.
BUT! It’s also back-to-school time.
And yes, that was something I put in the “favorites” category. I never dreaded going back, at least not that I remember.
I loved school. I still love it. I love learning pretty much anything I can, in fact. And I especially loved the prep and the excitement. My brain in August was (is?) like a Husky begging to be let outside and go on a sixty-mile run.
And part of that prep is the best part—school supplies.
Now I get to call them office supplies, but what is true paradise but fresh notebooks, new pens… glittery folders, colorful markers, fancy erasers… Binders. Oh, baby, oh baby. 😉
Here’s an example of this year’s acquisitions from Instagram.
What’s that you say? I’m supposed to talk about books? Ah, yes.
DESERTER, the Audacity Saga prequel, is in its final read through. I should have it next month.
Have you read DAGGER OF BONE yet? I’ll be getting up some swag and free downloads for that in the next few weeks as well.
As yet untitled AUDACITY 3 is still churning in the meat grinder.
And the sequel to DAGGER is getting some attention here and there too—It’ll be the focus once I’m a bit further on AUDACITY 3.
As always… ever onward!
PS: Last month was MAGE SLAVE‘s Book Birthday! This was an important day for me even more so because, as my first book, that day kicked off my writing career. Or at least, my officially published one. It had taken me a long time to get to that point, of course.
But sometimes it’s good to look back and see how far we’ve come.
Happy Mage Slave’s birthday. A great accomplishment and I love all the characters you have gone on to create. Dagger of Bone was excellent. I want MORE. Did you see my note about N.K. Jemesin? I think you will like her writing.
I did see your note! I haven’t read Jemesin’s novels yet because the first one I tried started with a traumatic event I just couldn’t handle at the moment. (Children in danger is a no go for me these days.) BUT I love her stories I’ve been reading! They are some of the best stories I’ve ever read, maybe the best period. I am definitely planning to check out more! When I’m not writing, of course.