Happy November, everyone! Just a quick update this month, plus news on what’s coming in the next few months!

I’m participating in NaNoWriMo this month, but haven’t gotten very far, because I’m also editing! I’m trying to make sure I edit at least one chapter a day as well, and that’s been a slog. I’m not exactly sure why! Editing can be painful, like sorting through to find the ten needles you need out of three different haystacks. Not the most fun part of the process.

But a lovely end product is worth it.

I’m also excited for celebrating Thanksgiving next week. I hardly ever have mashed potatoes, and all the Thanksgiving foods are some of my favorites, so I just can’t wait! The heavyweight champ is probably either mashed potatoes or stuffing for me, but also gravy, so… maybe I’ll need to have a holiday smackdown.

If you have a favorite Thanksgiving food (whether or not you celebrate), let me know in the comments!

Here’s what I have on the stove cooking, coming up for the next few months:

Projects In Progress

Audacity Saga Digital Box Set!

This will be all five books packaged together digitally for a bundle price. If you’ve only read my fantasy, or haven’t finished the series, this will be a great time to give it a try. I’m hoping to have this available before Christmas, hopefully in the order of a few weeks. IF life doesn’t throw me any “interesting” curve balls.

Website Updates

If you poke around at all, you’ll notice there’s been some freshening up on the site here. A new logo, new tweaks to the home page, with more to come in the next six months.

Gift Store: Storywind Trading

To give my inner graphic designer a bit of a geeky outlet, I’m also working on a soft launch of an online store with fun stuff for readers, writers, and storytellers of the table top role playing game variety. 🙂 You can get a sneak peak here and 20% off one item with the code GETGEEKY.

and, last but not least, new Knight Devoted novella

My new romantic fantasy novella is in the final stages of production. (Although it will still likely be on the order of a few months till it’s available.) And it’s getting close enough that it’s time for the *drum roll* – the cover reveal!

Cover reveal

Check out this gorgeous animated cover from Moor Book Design. I’m adoring it!

For everyone that jumped in on Facebook to offer names for white or black horses, those names are in this novella!

While this is a shorter story, not a full novel by any means, I love the story of these two. It’s full of sweetness, naivete, innocence, and revelation. And testing how far one will go, what one believes in, and what truly matters when blades are drawn.

And if you’ve read the Enslaved Chronicles, this story is set in that world, although with only brief mentions of our favorite characters.

Here’s a little snippet, to whet your appetite! More details coming soon…

Jav’s pulse was pounding in his ears. Was this what it felt like to ruin your life?

If it was, it felt pretty good. Wild. Dangerous. But good.

Knight Devoted, by R.K. Thorne

Thanks for reading

With the impending doom of turkey-borne tryptophan and an army of carbohydrates, my thoughts are on all I have to be grateful for. In this case, that means you!

Thank you for being a reader and a fan. Thank you for reading my work and supporting my artistic journey!

I hope my stories have brought you light in dark days, laughter in dull moments, and maybe a blush or a cackle or two.

If you’d like to support my ongoing writing efforts, you can buy me a coffee or a side of mashed potatoes on Kofi.

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